Kayak in Sevilla, an unique experience

Why you should Kayak in Sevilla?

Since the Paris Olympics in 1924, kayaking has been a benchmark water sport and its popularity keeps on growing. Did you know that Sevilla is one of the best places in the world for Kayaking? It’s calm, navigable rivers are enjoyed so much that it invites professional kayakers from around the globe for training and international competitions. However, you don’t have to be an Olympic champion to enjoy the one of the longest rivers in Spain.
Andalucía Geographic - Kayak in Sevilla
Andalucía Geographic offers the unique opportunity to Kayak in Sevilla, where it combines the joy of kayaking with a fascinating guided tour. Explore the charming, beautiful city of Sevilla and all its history as you paddle through the Guadalquivir River with your instructor and local tour guide. On your tour, you will discover famous landmarks such as the Torre del Oro, an impressive watchtower that guarded the city and the Triana neighbourhood, the birthplace of many flamenco singers or the Cartuja monastery where Colón lived for a time from the remarkable view of the riverbank.
It is an unforgettable experience, one that will allow you to meet new people and the beautiful city of Sevilla. Book your experience here.

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